Monday, August 1, 2011

Dreams DO come true!

The Boys! :)

This may come as a silly post to most of you but...

Last Tuesday night one of my childhood dreams came true. I got to to see New Kids on the Block ( and the Backstreet Boys) in concert. I can't even begin to explain how much it meant for me to go. My parents never had the money to take me to something like that. During the concert so many childhood memories came rushing back, and at one point I was in tears. I sang along loudly to all their hits, squealed at their dancing, and loved every second of it. I'm still on a bit of a high from it.

I owe all this to my wonderful husband. He is the one that bought the tickets and went with me. He smiled and sat through 15,000 screaming 30 year old women (there were maybe 100 guys in the whole place). I'm pretty lucky. Pretty sure I have a keeper.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pacers...and Dad's visit.

My Dad came for a visit! He was here April 21-April 30. Abhay and I throughly enjoyed having him here...and I was very sad to see him go home. I don't realize how much I miss my family until I am around them.

We got the opportunity to attend our 15th Pacers NBA game this season while he was here. Here's us decked out in our gear...

My two favorite guys!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Earth Day--a few days late

We had plans to plant two new trees in our yard on Earth Day, April 22. But it rained for days before...and we had to settle for planting them today. We choose a Yoshino Flowering Cherry for the front yard and a Belle of Georgia Semi-Dwarf Peach for the back yard. Now we have 3 trees! Wooo! :)

Yoshino Flowering Cherry now
What the Yoshino Flowering Cherry will look like
Belle of Georgia Semi-Dwarf Peach now
What the Belle of Georgia Semi-Dwarf Peach will look like

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Spring has sprung at the Rawal house. I couldn't resist this planter of beautiful pansies. I LOVE the colors.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Patio Set :)

We bought ourself a new patio set! Poor Abhay worked for 2.5 hours assembling it today. (I'm so thankful I married a engineer!) But it was all worth it in the end. It looks so cute on our patio. I can't wait for the weather to warm up a few more degrees so we can enjoy it.

Abhay hard at work assembling
Finished product!! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Indian food Sunday

I played sous chef to chef Abhay today. We made Chicken Tikka Masala and oven baked Naan. We tried something a little different with the chicken this time. Normally we'd bake the marinated chicken cubes in the oven and then add them to the "gravy" and simmer it on the stove top for a couple of hours. Today we grilled the marinated chicken cubes on the outdoor BBQ and added it to the "gravy" in a Crock Pot and put it on low for 5 hours. It got super tender and yummy! :)


A and I took a little spring break trip to Washington DC this past week. We were there for 4 days, and 5 nights...and loved every minute of it. The weather was perfect, and it really wasn't all that busy.

Here's the low down of what we did and saw:
Georgetown Cupcake (a show that is aired on the TLC network is filmed at the cupcake shop. They had the YUMMIEST cupcakes. They were worth the 1.5 hour wait), Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, White House, US Capital, WWII Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Smithsonian National Museum of American Indian, Smithsonian National Museum of Air and Space, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Wheeewh, I got tried just typing all the stuff.

We walked a ton, rode the bus, and had lots of fun on the subway. While we were in DC we also go to have dinner with our friends Rachael and Josh, and spend a couple afternoons with our friend Aadil.

Georgetown Cupcakes
US Capital
The White House
Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial