It's hard to believe it's already late August and summer is almost over. Where on earth did it go?
Things are moving along slowly, and perfectly with our house. We have been a bit guarded throughout the whole process, mostly because of the house we lost in Minnesota before closing. We're starting to purchase things slowly for it. This weekend we bought a lawn mower and ladder. We have also picked out paint colors and, of course, I have all kinds of decorating ideas. It's exciting, and SO much fun.
Abhay's parents leave to go back to India one week from day. We can barely believe they have been here 3 months?! My parents are flying in from Minnesota on Thursday and will stay for a week. (I am so, so, SO excited to see them). So, our parents will be meeting for the very first time. :) They will also ALL get to see the house Thursday night.
We have spent the past two weekends at home. Only one other weekend this summer was spent at home. It's been nice to get caught up on sleep, movies, and all of our
DVR'd shows!