Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today we signed a 6 month lease for our new apartment!

It's a nice place. Very nice. It's 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. It's almost 1000 square feet. The best part about it is the gorgeous view we have from our patio. It overlooks a pond with a fountain in the middle. It's peaceful and serene.

All of our stuff will be delivered tomorrow (as will our first "new house" purchase a washer and dryer. woooooo!!!). We are both SO looking forward to having all of our stuff again. It will be interesting to see if it all fits in the apartment. EEEKK! Abhay has taken the day off to "officiate" everything. :)

This living situation is only short term. We are keeping our eyes and ears open for that perfect house to purchase. We wanted to get to know the area before jumping the gun and buying a place. We both think it's a smart move to hold off a bit. We've already met with a realtor to help us along... We'll see what happens.


1 comment:

bethykickass said...

Yay! Congrats on the new crib. Let me know how Lloyd likes it!