Monday, December 22, 2008

It's the most wonderful time...

We made it Minnesota safe and sound on Saturday despite all the yucky weather We squeaked by with no delays. Seriously, we got really lucky. We are so happy our flights were early in the morning. When our connection flight from Minneapolis to Grand Forks took off at 9:15am there was only ONE runway open. We were greeted in Grand Forks by my dad and my brother Brad (driving his truck)...and also -30 degree weather and a full raging blizzard. We're not used to this junk anymore. When we left Indianapolis it was almost 60 degrees!! YUCK!

Yesterday was spent baking cookies and candies all day long. Abhay and I had a very good time. He was a HUGE help and did all the almond bark items. My mom hung out with us, and of course supervised all we did. :) We ended up making 11 different kinds of cookies, bars, and treats. I got really tired and didn't get everything made that I wanted to. Tomorrow I plan to do a bit more.

My parents are right at the end of a remodeling project of their house. They have redone their kitchen, redone their upstairs bathroom, ripped a wall out of the living room, and have put new flooring throughout the house. It looks gorgeous and we're so happy for them. Abhay "got" to help rip out the 20 year old living room carpet last night. What a job!! My mom and I "supervised" the work. haha

Today Abhay had the chance to go and visit his old co-workers at Arctic Cat while I was getting the full beauty treatment at my favorite salon. He had a great time seeing and talking with old friends. Afterwards we met my mom at her office, helped her out for a bit, and then headed to Grand Forks to do some last minute shopping. We truly are enjoying every minute spent with my family. We don't realize how much we really do miss our families until we are around them.

Us making cookies at my mom and dad's

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