Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've been wishing for a snow storm here in Columbus since October, and I finally got it. Last night we got 5 or 6 glorious inches of snow. It's supposed to snowing/sleeting all through the day and then hit us again tonight with a few more inches. I was so sick and tired of looking at the brown yucky grass and fields. Now it's all nice and bright. Looks so clean. It had snowed a few times this winter season, but just melted right away the same day.

I even managed to get a snow day from school today. Third of the school year. The first was for icy roads (which were all pretty much melted by 10am that morning) and a couple weeks ago for cold temps (-10 below. *snicker* The same day in my hometown it was -60 with windchill and they ran school ON TIME). I'm spending the day at home. Catching up on reading, laundry, and DVR. No plows have been out, and probably won't be until morning. Which is crazy to me. I know I could drive just fine in this weather, it's the other scary drivers around here that I worry about. They are bad enough drivers when there isn't any snow.

Here's a couple of picture of our house with the snow. I think it looks so pretty...


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