Saturday, September 18, 2010

Doggie haircut

Sheldon got a haircut today (he needed one SO badly). We also found him 2 new bandannas at the local Farmer's Market. I am a huge Snoopy fan so I was excited to find this fall Snoopy one. They are designed so the collar goes through them. This kind doesn't seem to bother him at all (he's hot a huge fan of the tie kind).

Friday, September 10, 2010

Almost fall

This is a tree that I look at everyday when driving to/from school. I LOVE that it's almost all the way red. Yep, I enjoy fall.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Children's Museum fun

Abhay and I took a trip to The Children's Museum of Indianapolis today. They were offering free admission to Indiana Teacher Union member's and their families--so we figured why not?! I have been a couple times previously, but this was Abhay's first visit. The Museum is a very cool place--it's the largest children's museum in the world. They had two new exhibits that I had not visited: Rock Stars Cars and Guitars and Barbie: The Fashion Experience. I enjoyed them both very much. Below are a couple of pics from the Barbie exhibit--both Barbie and The Rockers items from my childhood.

I had the Barbie on the top left. :)

I would have LOVED this as a child.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Chair :)

Abhay and I FINALLY purchased my anniversary gift (yes our anniversary was July 6th)...a new chair. We found the one we've been "searching for" at IKEA today. :) It's comfy and stylish--and fits perfectly in our living room.