Friday, April 18, 2008

Two Natural Disasters in ONE day

Number 1: An Earthquake

It happened at about 5:30am this morning. But as per usual Abhay and I were both dead to the world sleeping and totally missed it. Bummer!! It was only a 5. nothing TOO bad. But it was the "talk of the town" all day today. Apparently there was an aftershock as well at around 11am. I didn't feel that either. But then again, I was in a room with 8 infants. Hard to hear or feel anything other than them!

Number 2: A Flood

Abhay and I just purchased a new washer and dryer and it was delivered and hooked up today. We got home after having dinner and running a few errands, and I threw in a load of clothes. Much to my shock I looked down and there was water everywhere...and it kept on leaking for about a half hour. We are assuming there is a leak in the tub. DANDY. So tomorrow, at 8:30 am Menards will be delivering us a new washer.
(Here's Abhay with the mess)

A few of you may remember the huge flood we had when we moved into our townhouse in TRF. I guess wherever we go, we have problems with water leaking everywhere. Uffff!

We're headed to Chicago tomorrow afternoon for a anniversary party. Let's hope there's no major disasters...:)


bethykickass said...

I'm just so dang thankful you're both alive and still so dang beautiful! I miss you so much it hurts my feelings!!!!!!

The Morgan Family said...

At least this flood was a little less gross should we say?
LOL! Poor Mandy and Abhay!

Unknown said...

Mandy, as long as your leaks are limits to your house,you're ok. Would hate to have to get you depends for your birthday. :)

The Morgan Family said...

LOL - Brad thinks this photo and story are just an elaborate cover-up for the "newlywed-together-time" that he thinks was going on when he called Abhay, and Abhay asked if he could call Brad back!

He says, "Come on, we were newlyweds once, sheesh, just don't pick up the phone - it's okay for our call to hit voicemail if you're in the middle of something"

LOL!!! how's the new washer treating you?