Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dec 7, 2008

Thursday it was time for me to FINALLY go to the dentist. I've been dealing with a painful, and cracked abscess tooth since last February. I really, really, really dislike going to the dentist so I kept putting it off. A few weeks ago my tooth cracked to the point that I had a whole in my mouth when I smiled, so I knew it was time. I sat through a very uncomfortable, although not painful, root canal. The dentist then did an impression for a crown on that tooth. While taking the impression what was left of my tooth fell out. So he had to "start over again" and insert a rod into my gums...and three hours after I walked in I left the office with a "fake tooth" I'll go back next week to get properly fitted for a crown... YUCK!

Yesterday Abhay had a job to do. We finally purchased a pair of wire cutters and Abhay took down the "duck fence" under the workbench in the garage. It's so nice to have that open. We can fit SO many more items under it. He also straighted up the garage and made room for the new chest freezer we purchased today (thanks dad!!). Yesterday evening we went downtown Columbus and checked out an Electric Lights Christmas parade. It was very neat!! When the parade started the weather was awesome, but by the middle of it the wind picked up and it got quite chilly (nothing compared to Minnesota though). But, we made it through. Afterwards we met up with our friends Shiva/Sheetal, Ajit, Sangram, and others for a late dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and went to a movie. It was good to catch up with friends. We're so thankful to have friends here in Columbus that feel like family.


1 comment:

The Morgan Family said...

Mrs. Rawal, Do you think I could trouble you for your new address - I'm sure you gave it to us, but I lost it - go figure. It's for Christmas Cards!