Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another weekend has come and gone. Why do they go so fast?! We enjoyed a nice one. We went out to dinner and caught a movie Friday night. Yesterday Abhay had a cricket game in the morning. He had a blast playing in it. During that I got a pedicure (at an awesome nail salon that had massage chairs, iPod docking stations, free drinks, etc...) and then headed to the outlet mall to do some shopping. The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and getting ready for the week. Oh, and we now only have TWO boxes left to unpack now. YAY!!

Abhay is LOVING his job. He's enjoying what he's doing and the atmosphere. So far he's done tests on a Hummer, Ford Edge, and a Dodge Caliber (all 2010 models). He tests stuff that will be on this vehicles in the future. It's quite a step up from Arctic Cat. I'm thrilled for him..

We're looking forward to Abhay's parents arriving here in the US in just a little over a week!! We're also looking forward to the long weekend next weekend. We have some fun things planned.

Have a great, great week.


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