Monday, May 26, 2008

The worst pain ever

Today I felt the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I got my eyebrows threaded. Yes, threaded.

During eyebrow threading Practitioners use a pure cotton thread. They generally twist the hair and threading pulls out a whole row of hair, as opposed to tweezing where only one single hair is pulled out. It is a practice that originated in India and is very popular there and in the middle/far east. Since it's popular in India, I had heard about it but did not experience it until today.

In the mall here in Columbus there is a little salon that does facial threading/henna tattoos. I had walked by it a few times thinking, "I should try that eyebrow threading thing" but never had the guts. Today Abhay urged me to get it done while we were in the mall saying, "My mom does it to herself, so it can't hurt to bad." Boy was he wrong.

It hurt like nothing has ever hurt. And as many of you know I have a SUPER high pain tolerance.The whole way through the procedure I was "crying". I stood up after the lady was done with my threading and almost passed out because the pain was still so intense. But I must say, my eyebrows look the best they ever have. I'm thinking perhaps the pain was worth it. Apparently it is not supposed to hurt so bad the next time I have it done. We'll see...

--Mandy :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW -dont think i could do that to my brows - i'll just stick with being slighty shaggy. As long as i dont have a Bert unibrow, i'm ok.
Miss U!