Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day after the disasters

As most of you know, we moved into our new apartment on Friday and after we had a disaster with our washer. We were delivered a new washer on Saturday morning and this time there were no leaks in the tub and the washer runs fine and has been running continuously today, so we can catch up with all the laundry that we have to do.

On Saturday we were also invited to one of my friends first wedding anniversary in Chicago. Since the had not had a wedding reception in the US (his wife's family is from Chicago). They decided to have a combined first anniversary and reception. Mandy got to meet some of my Michigan Tech friends for the first time. Here are some pictures from the party. It was a full blown Punjabi party and had all kinds of good food, dancing, music....basically all around fun.

Venga & Me

Shetal, Shiva, Ajit, Venga, Me and Mandy


The Morgan Family said...

You guys look like you enjoyed yourselves!!! Kayleigh & I went to Forks today, and there's a funny/weird story about what she attempted on our blog!
Much love, hope everything stays "not so wet"!
-Michelle (and Brad and Kayleigh)

The Morgan Family said...

ugh. Mandy... I HATE HATE HATE waiting. I thought I'd vent; and there just aren't too many people I can vent to... Sorry and thanks! Waiting sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, I love the view from your patio. Maybe you will cath a recod fish out there Mandy.
Love Mom