Sunday, April 27, 2008

Unpacking, more leaks, and Bocce!

It's been another busy weekend...

Saturday we spent the grand majority of the day unpacking (again!) But we're almost done, only the spare room left to go. Our apartment is finally starting to feel more like home. We also took some time to relax...slept in, went out for lunch at an Indian restaurant, took a nap, and watched a movie.

We had another leak issue in our apartment. This time it was our hot water heater leaking into the apartment below us. The clueless maintenance guys didn't figure out it was the hot water heater until they ripped out walls, and part of the floor today. It was a bit of a frustrating morning and early afternoon. But we're happy it got figured out and it wasn't leaking into OUR apartment. But on the plus side, this week we get a new hot water heater and a dishwasher.

This afternoon we met up with some friends for an afternoon at Brown County State Park. Abhay went to Michigan Tech with these guys. It's nice to have some built-in friends. It was a beautiful afternoon, and a gorgeous park. It reminded Abhay and I so much of Itasca State Park back home. We had lots of good snacks, great conversation, and an awesome game of Bocce Ball. (which Abhay and I introduced to everyone. ) It was the best time we've had since moving here!


At Brown County State Park
Preeti, Param, Uncle, Auntie (Suresh's Parents), Suresh, Shailesh, Sangram, Abhay, ME :)