Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tis' the season...

For influenza that is.

Yes folks, i'm one of the lucky ones that received the wonderful gift of influenza. Not the flu, influenza.

It started with the shakes and fever Sunday evening. I kept those symptoms and then added extreme nausea to it. Kept all those and then added dizziness.

Yesterday morning Abhay URGED to me to go and see a doctor. I was actually feeling miserable enough so I agreed. I called and made an appointment to the free Emcon Health Center. That's That's one of the many benefits of Abhay's new job. It's not your normal "free clinic" they give great, state-of-the-art care. After checking me all out and hearing of my symptoms the doctor was convinced that I have the wonderful viral illness of influenza. As you probably already know there is no medicine to get rid of it. Just stuff to help with the symptoms. The doctor loaded me up with Phenergran (to help with nausea) and Meclizine (to help with the vertigo). While both prescriptions have helped the symptoms subside, they leave me feeling like I've had 2 too many beers and that I have not slept in a month. With that I have been sleeping a whole ton...16 hours a day. I think everything has helped. Today I'm feeling like I just might live. :)

I'm sad that I had to cancel 2 teaching jobs this week due to this crap. Of course, they were both with a teacher that had requested me to sub for her. Sick or not, it affects my reputation. But what is a person to do.

My hope at this point is that Abhay doesn't get it...

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